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CAH Fund founder Mr. Rudy “Encouragement” Lawson is an amazing Versatile, and multitalented

communicator who is able to work magic with youth and adults 

Mr Rudy Testimony

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Mr. Rudy has a long history with Rotary Clubs

CAHFund founder “Mr. Rudy” Lawson is an amazing, versatile, and multitalented communicator who is able to work magic with youth and adults. By his mastery of words, his contemporary delivery, and use of youth and adult language, he is able to break through barriers that put individuals at ease while providing a non-threatening, fun, and musical delivery of styles and insights into even the most sensitive subjects!

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Chronological Pathway

Roatary international’s and Mr. Rudy encouragement lawson’s

Just a note to tell you how much I appreciate your work at my Rotary Conference...


Rotary Canada

Dear Mr. Rudy, thank you for a great job! your willingness to assist us at the 1997 R.I. zones 27 & 28 institutes was greatly appreciated.


Induction Letter

“Your presentation at District 6330 Conference was tremendous. It is my hope that your demonstration of vitality, educational, and motivational ...


District 6330

Oh behalf of the Wayne-Westland Community School District, I would like to express my support...


Wayne Westland Community Schools

Honarary Rotarian

Mr. Rudy Lawson was welcomed into the warren club as an Honorary Member in recognition of his distinction...


Warren Rotary Club member Rudy Lawson uses items familiar to children, like soccer balls, to enforce anti-bullying messages. He has taken his program to Wayne Westland, Livonia, and the Van Public Schools thus far and intends to approach Rotary Clubs throughout America and serve school districts everywhere where there is a need, and where he is Welcomed!

Warren Rotarian launches
program to help Children

Chatham Sun Media

ROTARY Detroit resident  Rudy Lawson guest speaker By Bob Boughner, Special to The Daily NewsWednesday, October 16, 2013 6:26:48 EDT PM Chatham...


Sterling Heights Rotary Club


“Mr. Rudy,” Rudy Lawson, gave a very upbeat presentation on his anti-bullying program for schools. He began by telling us that since there will always be ...

Warren Rotarian Launches Anti-Bullying Program for Schools

Anti-Bullying School Assembly in Livonia, MI

Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce


The Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau hired Mr. Rudy Lawson to conduct his positive motivational workshop ...

Farmington Rotary Club


“Mr. Rudy” will present an informational and inspiring program on bullying. If you would, or if you know someone who would like to attend this lunch to get this information, please contact me immediately so we can have an accurate and adequate lunch provided. 


October 20, 1997

Induction Letter

May 11, 1998

Rotary Canada

June 10, 1998

District 6330

June 3, 2013

Honarary Rotarian

July 25, 2012

Wayne Westland Community Schools

10 October, 2014

The Macomb Daily

October 16, 2013

Chatham Sun Media

October 24, 2013

Sterling Heights Rotary Club

October 10, 2014

Warren Rotarian Launches Anti-Bullying Program for Schools

May 4, 2015

Farmington Rotary Club

April 24, 2015

Greater Albion Chamber of Commerce

January 21, 2015

Anti-Bullying School Assembly in Livonia, MI

Chronological Pathway


Our Teaching Method

Our goals and objectives are based on concepts derived by Harvard professor  Howard Earl Gardner’s, Multiple Intelligences, / Multi-sensory Learning. (Video Below). 

That each Child, and Adult, learns differently, Individual intelligences, can foster learning and problem-solving styles. That each person has a unique combination and profile. And that there are many types of intelligences, that reflect different ways of learning, and intelligences! ( “If Youth Can’t Learn The Way We Teach,  We Should Teach The Way They Learn!”) 

The methods, in which these concepts are introduced are through presentations of Multisensory Education / Motivational Seminars. Utilizing methods of Positive Motivational / Mental Techniques (P.M.T.’S). These Seminars are designed for audiences. Stimulating senses including, but not limited to,  Auditory, Visual, Musical, Linguistic, Kinesthetic, Thematic, Movement, and Audience Engagement Participation. 

The Creative Arts and Humanities Fund’s emphases are firmly placed on Early  Childhood Learning, Reaching out to them at the earliest. With Positive Development, Multisensory Educational Modules developed within the Seminar  Program Activities. 

“ALL” programs reinforce Reading Initiatives Creatively and Musically presented to Youth, Families, as Adults, through Multisensory learning modules teaching and reinforcing Skills for Learning.

Our Teaching Method

Watch this digital story that gives a brief overview of Dr. Howard Gardner and his Theory of Multiple Intelligences. How do YOU learn best? 

I AM Smart Movement

A sampling of our #1 signature seminar.

Our Focus: Urban Community

Black History Month Seminar



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